Handbags are hands down my favorite accessory. I love shopping for them, but I'm extremely picky. Pricing, style, appeal and practicality all are key factors when choosing just one bag. Although there are tons of different styles out there, I find myself reaching for a few the most.
Probably my favorite out of the three. It's so versatile and holds pretty much everything. I have multiple, but the one pictured above is what I use the most. I purchased it from Forever 21 (under $30) about a year ago. It's perfect! I can use it for travel or work, as it's able to hold my macbook, clothes and more, comfortably!! If there is one bag every girl should have, it would be the everyday tote.
This is a hands-free style bag that holds all of your essentials. It's super comfortable to wear and great for traveling. You can also wear the bag in multiple ways: across your body, on your shoulder, or if it has handles, in your hand. My favorite would probably be the one I purchased from Coach or Francesca's. They're small crossbodies, so I literally only carry a small wallet, keys, phone and whatever lippie I'm wearing that day (lol).
The shape and structure of this classic bag is always so beautiful. My favorite would be my Kate Spade bag. Not only do I love the color, I also love that it holds so many of my daily essentials!! Get you one girl! (lol)
I'm sharing a few options below at different price points. Happy shopping!!
By the way, Nordstrom is having their Half Yearly Sale!! Take advantage!! :)
XO, Deanna
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